Project Results


European Framework of Competences in digital validation of competences for Family Caregivers

The European Framework of Competences aims to provide a reference of competences in digital validation of competences for Family Caregivers, using a common language to describe competences, skills, knowledge and proficiency levels that can be understood across Europe, following European standards and frameworks of reference such as the EQF.

The Framework is aimed at serving as a common basis for the elaboration of syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe. It will describe in a comprehensive way what learners must learn and what knowledge and skills they must develop so as to be able to act effectively in digital assessing the prior knowledge and skills of adult learners. It will provide the means for educational administrators, course designers, teachers, teacher trainers, examining bodies, etc., to reflect on their current practice, with a view to situating and coordinating their efforts and to ensuring that they meet the real needs of the learners for whom they are responsible.

FAMILY CARE Virtual CAMPUS and Mobile Assessment App

The Virtual CAMPUS will allow adult teachers, counsellors, and guidance professionals to obtain the competences to support family caregivers in relation to digital assessing the prior knowledge and skills of adult learners. It will work as a networking, sharing and promotion hub for stakeholders and target groups, to mainstream the project activities and results. The expected impact of this result will be thus enhanced at national and European level, facilitating, and improving the development of educational activities in digital validation of competences for Family Caregivers by means of an innovative ICT-based tool, and contributing to create upskilling pathways, improving accessibility, and increasing take-up of adult education.   The Mobile Assessment App development is a practical and innovative ICT-based tool to assess competences on digital validation of competences for Family Caregivers.

Guidelines and Recommendations

The Guidelines and recommendations consist of a set of guidelines and recommendations to foster transparency and recognition on digital assessment of prior knowledge and skills of adult learners, being also aligned with other European transparency and recognition instruments, such as ECVET, EQAVET, EQF or Europass. This comprehensive reference document will integrate other results, including the assessment methods designed in the Virtual CAMPUS, the Mobile Assessment App and the lessons learnt during the piloting phase.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, through the ERASMUS+ programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2022-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000087923